Swaminathan Comission

Swaminathan Comission
A Foundation Of Farmer Policies In India


This book is the review of all the five reports of National Commission on Farmers (NCF). In the modern agricultural history of India. This is the first and only commission which is exclusively constituted for farmers under the dynamic leadership of Prof. M. S Swaminathan to provide solutions for agrarian crisis in the country. Based on the recommendations of NCF, Government of India approved its first National Policy for Farmers. It has been observed that due to voluminous nature and technical language of these reports so many important recommendations of the NCF are remain untouched by different stake holders. In this context author contributed some important years of his life to review all the five reports of NCF which makes it lucid, readable, brief and easily understandable for policy makers, agricultural officers, farmer leaders, researchers, students and farmers. This book becomes credible, authentic and important as it carries a foreword by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan.



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